Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Zeitoun witnesses looting and Kathy stresses that the looting and chaos could be dangerous for Zeitoun.
The Quran is the religious book used in the Muslim faith. The Zeitoun's follow this book even though Kathy was raised Christian.
Kathy and the children go to seek refuge at her friends house in Arizona.(Arizona flag)
Zeitoun and his family were born and raised in Syria.
Zeitoun tours the underwater city saving people and animals on his aluminum canoe.
Zeitoun made a point to feed the dogs he saw and heard in the city around him. Above the police are helping the dogs.
Zeitoun and Kathy run a contracting and painting business in NOLA, they were believed to be a gay company because of the rainbow.
Zeitoun grills himself chicken and other meats on the roof using a small grill. He is fortunate to have good food.
The only way to get around the city was by boat, Zeitoun did the same. These men are pitching in to help children get to safety.
People waded out into the city with all the food water and possessions they could get and tried to swim to safety and dry land. They often abandon all the things they had.

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